Next in Tilemap Town I'm probably going to add in the ability to create user groups that you can then invite people to join, and it'd function like Second Life's groups where you could add (but not remove) permissions based on group membership.
Good for either actually having an organization with shared privileges that's included in a whitelist across several maps, or just giving yourself permissions across all your alts.
@yaodema There used to be some childish inter-channel conflicts on AnthroChat that, among other things, involved people placing channel bans so you can't join if you're already in a channel they happened to dislike and trying to force people to choose.
@NovaSquirrel that seems like a good reason to kick both off, but I understand the issue better now. I was thinking in terms of how people banning those who're incoming from dangerous places would make sense, but it's a better idea to just kick the dangerous channel.