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NSFW transformation art 

Soooo I got more art of me as a cock, this time for a friend I dated some years back and still like a lot. Drawn by fluffylinn on FA, who is also the fox in the picture.

NSFW transformation art 

I've been trying to get this drawn for about half a year and it's finally done! Behold, the picture designed to push my buttons as hard as possible: me as Isabelle's dick.

Drawn by wyebird on FA

What if I do my own take on Kirby Super Star's "Computer Virus" boss?

My mode 7 stuff is a lot more fun now that I have actual tiles being displayed. You can see that I've got a start on implementing a Blue Sphere sort of thing.

Oh hey, rotation! I'm using 32 angles right now and so I have two entire banks dedicated to HDMA tables because currently each angle is a whole 1772 bytes. Worth it for good-looking turning though!

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Have my current progress on getting mode 7 perspective stuff working in my SNES game. I'm gonna try and add camera rotation next!

Look at me rolling down a hill! I think this will be the replacement for sliding down on your butt, and I still need to animate it better and make it affect collisions and things.

CW: spinning

I tucked in her head and it looks way better now! And she fits in a smaller space so I can do a lot with this gameplay-wise.

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CW: spinning

I tried to doodle a rolling animation though I think I failed a little bit because she should probably be rolled up into more of a ball for that. It still looks kinda nice though. The idea was that she could roll down slopes really adorably.

I added climbing and a simple placeholder animation for it. I feel like I need to incorporate more tail movement into the animations in general.

Starting to add some polish with animations and effects and such. Gonna try and implement some particle effects next.

I tried to draw my friend mousebyte, who hasn't gotten around to making a new Mastodon account yet. She doesn't have a reference sheet or anything so I had to just use artistic freedom and details she gave me. Don't feel very confident with digitigrade legs but she liked it at least!

I still have a bit left to implement, but I'm very close to being able to just make stuff in my level editor and directly get it into my game. This means I can start actually designing some levels and get to playtest them as well!

Here's a commission of Maffi! I'm starting to just have artists draw her and apply artistic freedom and see what they come up with.

Original tweet:

Pixel art commission drawn by !

When I saw the opportunity for Game Boy Color-esque commissions I knew I had to try and have Nova drawn in that style because she's already intentionally designed to work with few colors.

Added a blue red panda and a minty tiger to my cubicle decorations. I can now make jokes about installing Firefox Developer Edition into my cube.

Here's a beaver taur I'm working on that currently does not have a name yet, but I love how she's turning out.

Still struggling with the anatomy since I've never really drawn a taur before in any fashion!

I drew Maffi in Mario Paint and I forgot that the SNES mouse is actually not great to use. Oh well, she looks cute though!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!