Mastodon users, new and old:
You can add a caption, or alt-text, to images you toot!
These captions make your toots more accessible, by giving people who can't see the image a description of what's in the image.
Just hover over the image over you attach it and type a description in the spot that says "Describe for the visually impaired" before you hit the TOOT! button.
Please also encourage Mastodon app authors to add caption functionality. And please boost. Thanks!
American flag if it had an infinite number of states and also an infinite number of founding colonies
WPA2, nonce, lewd
If we're going to reuse nonces in WPA2, then we need a way to better verify their integrity. Thankfully, my favorite rag, Hacking Gibsons, was on it four years ago. :V
@alam Depends somewhat on what you are looking to get out of it, but Python is a wonderful scripting language with deep library support. I'd recommend 3 unless there's a specific dependency you need that's stuck on 2.
@arielmt Teaching undergraduates in the sciences and engineering really drives home the fact that the "digital native" concept is an illusion.
Furry physicist.