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Penny!!! boosted

Adventures in desktop horticulture 🌱 

The lavender seems to be doing okay, though I think the transplants are still acclimating to the new pots.

The pansy continues to baffle me, as the stems have been thickening, standing on their own, and more leaves have developed. Good on them!

The zinnia's been slowly opening up a beautiful pink bloom over the last week; I think it's about done now.

The real stars have been the petunias; since moving to the new pot they have exploded outwards, covering ground faster than I can track. And today, the silver one went from, "wait, is that a bud or a dead leaf?" to "GOOD MORNING!"

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Some interesting developments related to the direction a long running side project of mine will take. Hmm. Both good and bad

A swarm of foot tall purple kitties tending a garden. Penny are very good at plants and we all get to wear little sun hats.

Excited for that though! My print quality right now isn't as good as it could be because all the fabric I use is never ideal since it's either scrap or from used clothing from the thrift store. But with new material picked expressly with printing in mind, or t-shirts, I know I can get much better transfer quality

Might be conspiring with an artist on new, improved, extra hella rad patches and maaaaaaaybe t-shirts in the next few months. They design, I print

Does anyone know how computers?
No, it is forbidden.
You should
Hug your computer
The cats inside need affection

Penny!!! boosted
Penny!!! boosted

@PennyPennyPenny 🎶 The chances of kitties escaping the net,
are a million to one, I bet.
The chances of kitties eeeescaping the neeeet
are a million to one,
But still,
waaaaaaaant peeeeeeets~ 🎶

No one would have believed that in the first quarter of the 21st century, human affairs were being watched, keenly, closely, by cats immeasurably more numerous than their own.

Yet through the gulf of cyberspace, cats regarded this earth with hungry, eager, envious eyes, and slowly, but surely, drew their plans to be pet.

It still ABSOLUTELY counts as divine inspiration if the deity is a friend's OC. They're just as real an idea as any other god, and maybe even more powerful.

Penny!!! boosted

patch update 

time to figure out where I'll put these

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!