uhhhh i made a drag n drop app for learning kana but other than that i've not really done much productive since i was last on here due to mental health reasons and also physical health reasons (which were caused by mental health? got stress-induced ulcers so bad i couldnt eat solids for several days, fun shit)

feelin better today i think but i spent the whole day playin minecraft anyway whoops


anyway that's the Freya Update, kana app is here if anyone wanna check it out: coolgoth.zone/kana

i got an update im working on that adds a few nice features (or i think they're nice anyway) that'll be up sometime in the next couple weeks, it's basically finished but i wanna clean the code up a little before i merge the changes and launch it

@PolyCement oh no! It doesn't work on mobile (firefox). It looks great! I'll have to check it out later. 💖

@quirk yeah there's some weird zooming/scrolling issues with it and i havent figured out how to make drag and drop work on mobile yet - i guess making it work on mobile will be the next like, milestone i work towards

@PolyCement Clear time, hiragana, 03:08.

This was fun! 😊 💖 ✨
I'm gonna play this some more.

@PolyCement Clear time, katakana, 09:15.

I'm so much worse at katakana, I ended up guessing a lot at the end. I like that it just happened naturally that all the ones I didn't know were left at the end.

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