an ominous I-am-under-NDA-coded warning to immediately uninstall atop has been posted by a reputable tech blogger.
@lizzy or a secret third thing: the compiler is doing something seriously fucky
I had not thought that Rust had the OCaml Nature of "if the code typechecks, it's probably accurate" but I'm having to reconsider my position
@mcc I had a fun one with Swift recently where the type system happily checked and compiled my code into an unintended infinite tail recursion that the optimizer turned into the arm64 equivalent of 10 GOTO 10 and inlined all over the place. The app simply spun rather than stack overflow, and I’d break in the debugger and be bewildered why a branch to the branch instruction’s own address was inserted in my function. So much for the type system fixing so my issues.
What have we here!
My trans positive children's picture book, Me and My Dysphoria Monster, was directly targetted by a book ban last week.
Rutherford County Library System board members (Tennessee) voted 5-3 to ban / remove the book from libraries.
@grumpybozo @jwz and don't get us started on how dnssec is untroubleshootable garbage whose main failure mode is to turn your entire domain into a sinkhole
@atax1a @jwz It is a frustration that for DKIM, DMARC, and SPF to be as trustworthy as possible, one must deploy DNSSEC correctly and defend one's domain against any threat to its reputation but all the spammers need to do is buy a cheap domain with any old garbage DNS and get a handful of records right.
@jwz @grumpybozo just one more public key in a TXT record, that'll fix email, just gotta add one more TXT record bro
@jwz The stats we collect for the #SpamAssassin project (mass-scan results from participating sites) have long shown that spammers are more consistent at making SPF, DKIM, and DMARC correct than are legitimate senders. DMARC in particular has no discernible benefit for most senders, so it is a useless signal.
Rejecting mail based solely on authentication failures of those deeply flawed authentication methods does more harm than good.
Trans woman, bisexual, someone's fiancée, forever a programmer, poly, and former total mess