bad idea. console that doesnt have any sound so every time something happens it shows one of those dialogue cards from a silent film

We've been receiving a lot of requests for us to answer this crucial question, and we are delighted to attempt to provide you with the information you need as to whether you can read braille with your clit.

Screenshot via @skinnylatte

Some great litanies from Tumblr:

❧ if it sucks hit da bricks <- litany against sunk cost

❧ take it easy but take it <- litany against burnout/apathy cycle

❧ fuck it we ball <- litany against perfectionism

❧ now say something beautiful and true <- litany against irony poisoning

❧ bigger idiots than you have done it <- litany against imposter syndrome

❧ holy shit two cakes <- litany against self-deprecation

❧ not [a] or [b] but a secret third thing <- litany against false dichotomies


💭what if we had crackers and cheese and progesterone, and we were both girls

oh my god connecting my xbox one controller to my phone actually Just Works . mobile gaMing is here folks . the futruee

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finally having a phone with usb-c is fucking magical, i can just connect my midi keyboard or my zoom multi-effect pedal or my audio interface or my midi interface… directly to my phone. without special cables or adapters… i can use the same hub as for my laptop, it Just Works

I wrote this important thread, please read if you can and boost for visibility. :boost_ok:

Here's how to react if someone is having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure in front of you!

Different situations are taken into account to give as much info as possible.

Do not travel to the US even if you're a white European. There is a not insignificant chance you will be detained indefinitely in solitary confinement because they decided you were the "wrong" sort of person.

Fire "What are you gonna do, run a Chromium based browser?" Fox

If a voting system leads to outcomes in which a preference for killing marginalized people wins an election, I will argue that's a moral failing of that voting system. In particular, I'll argue that that remains true even if other legal frameworks prevent or mitigate that negative outcome.

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To clarify slightly, there are absolutely legal frameworks, presumably including the United States Constitution, that address this issue. My point was that the assumption used to justify voting systems *in particular* seems flawed, or at best incomplete.

That is, I don't want people who want me dead to get elected, then find that they can't act towards that goal because of the Bill of Rights — I want for them to not be elected in the first place.

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I don't know the solution, but I'm just struck that none of the summaries of voting systems even seem to admit the possibility that that's a problem.

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By way of elaboration, a very popular opinion in the US right now is that the world would be better off without me in it, and that violence is justified in achieving that outcome. I would very much like if voting systems didn't fairly represent the idea that I should just die.

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Because I'm [REDACTED], instead of doing what I need to be doing, I just went down an almost hour-long rabbithole on Wikipedia about voting systems.

It really strikes me that the idea that voting systems should accurately represent the opinions of the majority is just taken as sacrosanct.

"For me it’s time to take a stand, small as it may be, and to distance myself from the Royal Society until such a time as it has the moral courage to specifically denounce the actions that Musk is taking to undermine science in the US and elsewhere."

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🚨I promised I'd say more on the Royal Society and Elon Musk, so here it is. 🚨

I've resigned my position as Associate Editor at Royal Society's journal Open Science in protest at their lack of action over Elon Musk.

My op-ed in the Guardian

if i right-click on a pad, i get a menu with three items

- Done
- Oops
- Cancel

what the fuck is "Oops" and why is it bound to an Fn-key

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!