
Decided to take the leap to iOS 13 and iPadOS. Let's see how this goes...

@Rabit I’ve been really liking iPadOS. Definitely beta quality, butabout the worst bug is a tendency to drop WiFi. App launch times are much improved (filesystem level compression, I believe), more apps per screen, the new mini-format keyboard.. it’s a nice evolution.

@porsupah Nice! I've been noticing a very perceptible speed improvement with 12.3 on both iPad and iPhone. Multitasking should be a real testing of that but I'm not sure how I'll actually use that. The floating YouTube overlay is a thing I recently discovered and now use daily, drag-drop between apps could be pretty neat in music apps.

@Rabit Ah, good point! I need to try encouraging myself to get back into noodling around with my iOS synths and sequencers, but, you know how depression goes.

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