Ask not for whom the corn cobs; it is not wise to eat anything offered from the Fae

Today I learned that there are secret white mushroom houses in Super Mario 3

After all these years, I am still learning new things

I just remembered that thing where they gave every tree an email address, so local residents could write in and report problems, and they instead wrote poems and general musings tangentially related and directed to the trees themselves

flowery poetry
poetic flowers
radical guerrilla gardening
seeding poetry

*walks over the horizon, and ever so gradually moves hither*
*the horizon is far away*
*the walking takes a while*
*finally gets close*
*closes in*
*keeps walking towards the opposite horizon*
*it, too, is far away*
*the walking takes a while*
*crests a distant hill and walks off into the unknown distance, out of sight*

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!