I'm #autistic. The sound of the train blowing its horn as it passes my house makes me cover my ears in pain. But the throbbing bass of the engine that causes a deep pressure in my chest from the vibration makes me feel happy.

When I was a kid, I used to crank up the bass of my parents' stereo and sit directly against the woofer to feel that pressure. They would always yell at me to turn it down. I've always loved that feeling.


@hosford42 I am the opposite. I cannot handle the bass beat, because it does not match my heart rate, and causes distress. The thumping is also distressing. I loved train whistles. I love truck air horns. I am #Autistic.@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity You aren't joking about being the opposite! Truck air horns...nope!

It's cool that you can sense your own heart rate. Sometimes I can hear it from the blood rushing in my ears, or even see it from my retinas shifting slightly from the pressure, but I can never feel it unless I just exercised really really hard.

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity oh yeah never knew being able to see your heart beat in your eyes was wasn’t something everyone can do. I have also been known to play games with sunlight at an angle in morning and those floaties in your eyes. Does that make me NT or Autistic, or just easily entertained.

@littlescraps @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity That by itself isn't enough to make you anything, I'd say. If you think you might be autistic, there are some quizzes and screening tests people have linked to further down in the threads. They aren't enough to diagnose you, but they can tell you if it's worth further consideration or not. I highly recommend you give it a go!

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity ah yes.. I am most definitely ND and Autistic. Sorry, I was trying to be clever and funny, but realize you don’t know me. So not getting the inside joke. I am new to the understanding of my amazing ND power source. Been about 2 years since I started saying hmmmmm. Nothing like figuring it out at 55. I feel so much better . Used to think I could fix me. Know I know I don’t need to be fixed!

@littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

I sense my own pulse from multiple locations; chest or neck most often. I can't wear earbuds because of the resonant bodily feedback (breathing and more) in the closed space created by the earbud.


I have to stay still when I'm wearing wired earbuds. I can handle the body feedback, but the sound of the mic rubbing against my clothes sends me over the edge.

@littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@ScottSoCal @littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Your sensory tolerance is a little closer to typical than mine, it seems. All my senses are hypervigilant, including taste (supertaster). When I'm present in the moment, I'm REALLY present in the moment. Sometimes I have no choice to avoid being present. Sounds and smells intrude easily, and I especially smell things that no one else does.



I think mine is context dependent. I wear earbuds for teleconferencing or walking. When I'm trying to go to sleep, sounds like the pillow settling, my heartbeat, hearing my own breathing, or having something pop or click in my nose/throat can force me to get up, blow my nose, find a new position, whatever it takes to make it go away.

@littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

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