I'm #autistic. The sound of the train blowing its horn as it passes my house makes me cover my ears in pain. But the throbbing bass of the engine that causes a deep pressure in my chest from the vibration makes me feel happy.

When I was a kid, I used to crank up the bass of my parents' stereo and sit directly against the woofer to feel that pressure. They would always yell at me to turn it down. I've always loved that feeling.


@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
I always loved the roar of the Vulcan Bomber's engines for how it made my insides vibrate. But I hate high pitched sounds (I struggle with Soprano voices) yet I am OK with high pitched recorders so long as there's not too many of them.

My twins have always been noisy, they still tend to talk too loud at 23, but have sensory issues with other people's noise.


"But I hate high pitched sounds (I struggle with Soprano voices)"

Reading this was an "Oh, wow, yes!" thing for me. I've never connected those two things before.

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

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