@AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic I used to think I must be so stupid, because every time I'd try participate in any kind of planning I'd receive so many negative responses I figured I must be really bad at it. With the benefit of hindsight, I realise that people were actually receiving my critiques, usually flaws in approach that were obvious to me, as personal attacks or intellectual grandstanding. I was legit just trying to be helpful! Not my fault they were too insecure to benefit from it!!



Part of my current job is to look at processes and systems and ask "OK, where could this all go horribly wrong?" and point out whatever I can think of. Anything from the arrangement in the labs to someone dropping an assembly (that's happened.)

@AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic

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@ScottSoCal @Vincarsi @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic Is that really the job, or do they want someone who can be blamed if things go wrong, but until then doesn't annoy anyone else?

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