@pathfinder @H2O @ratcatcher @Zumbador @actuallyautistic

I think that framing/wording as a "superpower" can be... a good thing, in the right context.
As in: "I am different than most others, that makes my everyday experience sometimes/often painful, but I also have this positive thing."

Reminds me a bit of Cyclops from X-Men: I can shoot lasers out of my eyes.
Drawback: I am shooting lasers out of my eyes all the time, so I have to wear special glasses.

I even get some of those "aspie supremacy" vibes: "Now that I found people I can interact with better, why shouldn't we treat the majority like they treat us?"
(In general, that school of thought is a very large "No" for me.)

Finally: If you experience the pros and the cons every day, you share an "implicit fact" with other autistics that needs not to be stated explicitly. And that therefore is totally lost to an NT person.



Even whether they're superpowers or impediments can be contextual. I'm good at analysis and spatial visualization - both those things are a great benefit in my current job. They'd be useless, or even detrimental, if I worked stocking shelves at a grocery store.

@pathfinder @H2O @ratcatcher@neurodifferent.me @Zumbador @actuallyautistic

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But I'd be looking for the most efficient way, how to get more on in the same space. I'd drive my manager nuts.

@wakame @pathfinder @H2O @ratcatcher@neurodifferent.me @Zumbador

Precisely so!
(I'm the one who packs the luggage and the car when my husband and I hit the road.)
@wakame @pathfinder @H2O @ratcatcher @Zumbador

@ScottSoCal I thought the same as @xris about stocking shelves in a grocery, but as soon as I saw your answer, I saw myself in it as well. The type of people who love me would welcome my ideas somehow, but many managers would not because my ideas would curtail the workflow in the short-term while the person who loves to work with me would be able see the eventual benefit of the idea or how to explain their reasoning to me so it made sense. @wakame @pathfinder @H2O @ratcatcher @Zumbador

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