
So my mother died. Not unexpected, because she was in her 80s, but not expected because we haven't spoken for about 10 years. I feel like I'm balancing on a point, ready to fall off, but I don't know which way I'm going to fall. How do I feel about this? Truly, deeply, have absolutely no idea.
Alexithymia is real, right now.


One of the things that often comes to mind in these circumstances is, "there was so much left unsaid". In the case of my father - who died nearly 20 years ago - I rapidly concluded that they would likely have remained unsaid even if he were alive today.



Yeah. There are many things I'd like to say, but none of them would change anything, and that would just lead to more anger, disappointment, and resentment - on both sides. Nothing good would come of it, so why do it?

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