
For me, what I sing - what I feel the urge to sing - can be an insight into what I'm feeling. Same with playing music. It can't be just whatever music, it has to be this particular artist / album / song.
In my car is a thumb drive with the top 100 songs for every year, 1946 to about 2010, plus a bunch more albums from various artists. Everything from classical symphony to bubble-gum pop.

@Susan60 @juliasnz @independentpen @haui @brainpilgrim @Zumbador @actuallyautistic @ajlanes



I usually pop on Ella Fitzgeral or Etta James and sing along. I'm sure you've heard the Etta James version of "At Last".


@VoxofGod@mastodon.social @juliasnz @independentpen @haui @brainpilgrim @Zumbador @actuallyautistic @ajlanes

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@ScottSoCal @Susan60 @VoxofGod @juliasnz @independentpen @haui @Zumbador @actuallyautistic @ajlanes

Oh yeah. She torches like no other.

Yet Miss Sassy, Sarah Vaughn, manages it in a different way.

Which is why I always say a favorite, not the favorite, because ranking stops being useful when people are good at something. Now we are in the nuance realm.

@brainpilgrim @ScottSoCal @Susan60 @VoxofGod @independentpen @haui @Zumbador @actuallyautistic @ajlanes It is not okay to spread discrimination against people with Personality Disorder Diagnoses.

It is not okay to assume that therapy is a beneficial thing that makes people "better people" for going to, or that people are doing something wrong by rejecting it.
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