

Wondering if this is an autism thing, or a me thing:

When they cast an actor in a movie, in a speaking part, but then have someone else sing and the actor just lipsyncs it. It's jarring, it throws me out of the movie and all I can think is "that's not his/her voice, how am I supposed to go along with this?"
We're watching a musical. And an actor is lipsyncing to someone else singing.

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@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic hired them before they found out they can't sing or something? Something about who owns the song, maybe?
I think they always record in studio, not on set, like they didn't record JC Superstar in the desert. Sure they're not lipsyncing themselves, just poorly?


No, it's not an issue when the actor is lip-syncing to their own singing - their speaking voice matches their singing voice, and this is completely an audio thing. It's when the actor's speaking voice couldn't possibly be the one singing that it bothers me.



The musical we're watching is The Greatest Showman. The actor playing Jenny Lynn isn't the one who sings. And, again, it's all done well - it looks like she's singing. It just doesn't sound like it, because the singing voice couldn't happen from her speaking voice.


@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic This is basically the whole movie Singin' In The Rain. And why I don't really like West Side Story, cause Natalie Wood didn't sing her own songs. It's a musical. How do you cast someone who can't sing when there are hundreds of comparable actors who can?

@joshsusser @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Paint your Wagon was fun, because Eastwood and Marvin can't hardly sing, but their characters wouldn't be able to either, it seemed sorta real, them just talking through their songs. LOL.

@joshsusser @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Eastwood anyway, I think Marvin sang a bit and did OK, but he stayed in character, it wasn't fancy.

@joshsusser @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic really making me smile thinking about it - Marvin was such a charismatic sumbitch it's ridiculous.

@punishmenthurts @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Yep. You don't have to be able to sing well to sing your own songs. Richard Harris in Camelot mostly spoke rhythmically and that was enough.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic i'm a fan of Drag Race, so i intentionally watch people lip sync, and appreciate the art of the lip sync itself. I used to sing, and i appreciate well how one can't sing and do crazy dance moves at the same time. I think i would notice, and accept it.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic I don't know if it's autism or not but as a hard of hearing person who supplements sound with lipreading, I get annoyed by music videos where the sound is out of sync with the visuals.

It sometimes happens even with acapella singing groups like Pentatonix who can all sing beautifully but sometimes the lip movements don't match the sound.

Not their fault but the video provider. Youtube is deliberately buggy

@LunaDragofelis @actuallyautistic @ScottSoCal fellow german here. I stopped watching german media like 2 yrs ago, in part to improve my english.

Now I watch everything, including β€žkinoβ€œ in english. Not losing out, A LOT harder to manipulate and now I cringe when I hear the β€žgoodβ€œ german dubbing because its impossible to do perfect.

Yesterday I spoke to friends and family who only consume german media. They are getting brainwashed to high heaven

@haui @LunaDragofelis @actuallyautistic @ScottSoCal
To be fair dubbing used to be much, much better some decades ago. And for some productions it is still okay.

But for many things it is so bad nowadays that I am doing it like you.

The worsed is Netflix! Have you ever heard the dubbing of Stranger Things or Sex Education?

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic
My hearing is not good enough to hear much difference in voice, as long as it is in the same general group ('old woman', 'young man', etc)


Despite tinnitus, sound and music are very important to me. Music has always been a thing that reaches me.



Non-english speakers who have watched post-synched american movies all their youth, are probably less sensitive to it than english speakers.

We are used to people changing voices and lips not quite fitting the words spoken/sung.


@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Yeah.
Dubbed voices are tough on me too. I think I have an auditory processing issue that has led me to rely a lot on lipreading, and this interferes with that.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic the fact they start singing also throws me out of the movie. 😁
Which is why I don't watch musicals.

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