I'm going nuts with all the posts I'm seeing about Biden and Gaza.

Yes, I hate what's happening in Gaza.
Yes, Biden is president.
No, there's nothing he can legally do to stop it. He can encourage Bibi to stop slaughtering people - and he is. He can delay shipments of weapons - and he is. He can't violate US law or signed treaties. He's not a dictator, here or in Israel. He can't just do whatever he wants.

And, seriously - how would ANY of this be better with Trump?!?!?

@ScottSoCal Say it with me now: He can stop sending them money and weapons.

He has that ability. He wants votes from pro-Israel groups, though, so he won't.

So tired of this "poor Joe is trying his best" narrative. It's crap. He has supported this slaughter from day one.



No, he can't. Not unilaterally. He would need Congress, and the House is controlled by people who will burn it all down rather than give Biden something he wants.

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@ScottSoCal and what do you base that claim on? What law or treaty requires him to send Israel money and weapons?

If it was already required, why was Congress voting on it?

Why did he have to BYPASS CONGRESS to send them "emergency aid"?


@ScottSoCal That's your answer? Telling me I'm dumb while you're out here claiming Biden is legally required to do something he is lobbying and going around Congress to do?

You plainly have no idea what you're talking about.

@blueemu @ScottSoCal As an outsider, I don’t know the intricacies of the treaties that may be in place, but I know one thing: Biden could be pushing for Congress to suspend all shipments of weapons to Israel. He could take that stand, and it would matter, whether it was successful or not.

@ScottSoCal @blueemu he himself can cut off the weapon sales that HE is negotiating and stop talking to Netanyahu like he's anything other than a genocidal psychopath.

@pixplz @ScottSoCal
For real. This is some awful dialog for someone that appears to want other people to accept their point of view

@ScottSoCal LOL at first I thought this was your reply to him @blueemu

Yeah civics classes are great, we all need to keep our knowledge fresh since stuff changes after you leave high school! πŸ˜‚

@ScottSoCal How I wish this were true. Unfortunately the POTUS has a whole budget of his own for sending weapons or money to buy weapons to Israel or whatever other country he so chooses. He has been sending weapons to Israel pretty much non stop since Oct., no Congressional approval needed. cc @blueemu

@ScottSoCal @blueemu

It is American law that an American administration may not supply weapons to a government which is not adhering to accepted human rights standards in its conduct while using them. When our State Department experts prepared a report this year documenting Israel's failure to adhere to those standards, Blinken and Biden refused to accept the report from their own experts. Biden is ignoring the law in order to support a genocide. His hands aren't tied: they're bloody.

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