
A question, for anyone who wants to answer, about trust.

If someone breaks your trust in a fundamental way, can you "get over it" and trust them again?
I have a situation where I'm being told I need to get over it, and I think I have - I'm no longer angry. But trust them again? Put myself in a situation where I could be hurt by them again? No. I've never done that before, why should I start now?

And is this a me thing, or an autism thing?

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic I believe it's an autistic thing to have a heightened sense of justice. I feel like this article covers it and other aspects of different autistic emotions well, might help in this situation neuroclastic.com/very-grand-em

I'm sorry you're being told to "get over" something, not very empathetic. Usually when people tell me something like that, they're frustrated. So I find it helpful to figure out what it is that they're frustrated about and tackle that separately.

Asking you to make yourself less isn't really a fair ask on their part, so I tend to stick to my ground on that front. Usually something along the lines of, "I need to respect my feelings, and I feel uncomfortable in this situation because of XY and z. I know you don't want me to feel uncomfortable, so let's figure out a solution.." I would make sure that the trust break is evident and provide info on what it would take for me to feel better... Usually time, space, & the incident not repeating again.



Interesting article. I do cry at movies - but *never* when other people are there. I can probably count on one hand the number of people who have ever seen me cry.
I don't know why - it just seems very intimate and vulnerable, and I'll do whatever it takes (including inappropriate jokes) to break the feeling before it can get to that point.


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