Trying to KonMari my inbox (that's the trendy way to say "managing clutter," right?). Unsubscribing to so much shit that I don't know why I subscribed to in the first's a long slog. I don't even care about inbox zero, I just want to get to a point where the only email I'm receiving is stuff that I actually want and/or need to read, nothing else.

@ink_slinger i keep trying this every once and a while and it just never works. I hate that literally every company that you give your email to *will* spam you.

@Shadejackrabbit Pretty much. I tried to modify my settings for a particular media outlet to stop getting their "please give us money" emails (they're crowdfunded). I want the newsletter. If I want to give money, I will, but don't need to be asked every other day. Alas, opting out of those email isn't an option. I'm not even sure that's legal under Canadian anti-spam legislation, but even if it is, it's pretty shitty.

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