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You ever see a prof so aesthetic you immediately consider changing your major


It's 5 degrees out and I'm Canadian so you know what that means: iced cappuccinos ejecting every techbro from oss by renaming man pages "woman pages" and rendering documentation untouchable

soft drug meta, seeking input 

does caffeine count as a soft drug? i assume coffee doesn't, but if discussing the effects of caffeine [i]from[/i] coffee does that then count?

Introduction / about me 

Hi, I'm Luna/Shade. I'm a mid-twenties trans woman in Canada, studying computer science, and an amateur game dev.

[b]Fun facts:[/b]
- computers are my greatest foe
- i like interacting with folks, feel free to reply / fav / boost my posts

- video , esp: point and click adventure games
- Retro computing
- accessable design
- , ,
- , and narrative design


It will levitate every being within 100 metres with its powerfull smell lines

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Gonna make a giant stew tonight heck yeah. So much black pepper i will sneeze my skeleton straight out through my nostrils

@ink_slinger it's because I'm not there spamming selfies any more, isn't it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Minorly negative 

Wow fuck that test! Literally didn't have any comprehension problems with it, just ran out of writing time.

Dreaming, negative? 

My nightmares used to be super bad though so i guess all in all its... Better, yeah

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Dreaming, negative 

Sucks that like my bad dreams aren't really nightmares often these days but just "hey what if the world around you wasn't a dumpster fire" :trashfire: thanks brain

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!