Show newer two horses who are work-best-friends can pull four times as much as either of them can alone

incredibly fuckin neg, why are dudes like this (it's entitlement the answer is entitlement) god that's super shitty of them and I'm sorry for your loss

friendly reminder that the things you say on here arent really private even in DMs

All accessable washrooms need "this door is currently locked" indicators on both sides of the door tbh

Quite a late night trip to realize I've been acclimated to social settings where people pressure me into doing things I'm uncomfortable with and maybe that's why I'm default-tense in social scenarios

Those are fields where i feel like i could do real good, not just slowly contribute to a dozen apocalypses.

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I love knowledge and public works, i love doing stuff with computers and i love theory of computation, i find myself wondering more and more how one gets into libraries or transit

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The more i think about computer science the more i feel like i absolutely love it theoretically but that maybe i should look into whether this is really the right degree for me, because I doubt whether there can ever be ethical computer science

Bad feels 

I guess I'm mostly frustrated with myself, as usual. Nothing new there

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It's my dad's 69th birthday on Sunday and the party is tomorrow and do any of you understand how bone-crushingly difficult it is going to be to not constantly say 'nice'

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!