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thats right i said it: machine learning has utterly failed at every task that has been set before it and the only reason it continues is because of an ideological commitment to the discipline

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Mental health / ocd (neutral) 

Just realizing the best way to describe how negative obsessions / fixations feel is "my brain hyperventilating"

What if somebody were in a jekyl/hyde situation except the hyde was a cop and jekyl pirated a lot of movies

stress, tiredness (-) 

just gotta get through tomorrow, then it's thursday. thursday i can relax. thursday i can crash. :battery_empty:

thinking about the time i talked to a CS student i was tutoring who told me "what i learned from computer science is that if we have enough data, we can understand anything" and how in a better world i would have failed them out of every class instantly and forced them to take only philosophy classes for two years


Me, stuffing an entire $2 box of cookies into my messenger bag: these will surely survive the trip home

Me, halfway home, halfway through the box: i have made a grave error

body horror, bad dream 

@ink_slinger those are aweful, sorry to hear you got one

only happy when im listening to incredibly dry philosophy podcasts

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!