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Google talks a lot about how their platform will allow devs to scale much higher than what current hardware allows. Cuz ya know in the age of AAA out of control budgets what we really need is to remove the ceiling.

@maple i get that feeling a lot too, it's rough. I could give you some of my attention, if that'd help?

At the end of the day we can all agree, Google needs to be broken up and converted into public works.

Picked up a couple great things from artists while i was there! This is probably my new fav tee, and it glows under blacklight! and my laptop enjoys the new sticker

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Had a good time at the furry con over the weekend! Haven't been to a con in about four years and this was my first furry con. Loved how friendly everyone was, and got to meet a few other buns!

@fillertrack why does the biggest Luke simply not eat the other Lukes

@fillertrack "i have so many muscles, why does the Traveller not like my big muscles??"

Me, wearing a modest gown: when will my bitcoins return from the wealth expo?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!