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๐ŸŽถ Now Playing 

[i]This Too Shall Pass[/i] by OK GO from their album [i]Of the Blue Colour of the Sky[/i]

First started listening to this song when I was about 19, and that album is one of the first CDs i bought as an adult. The song still gives me really good vibes.


love to have a phone company fuck around with charging my credit card huge amounts of money right as night-time hits and im supposed to be studying.


Mr sandman
Bring me a dream
Let me use whichever bathroom i please

oh thank goodness finally Firefox puts notifications into the Windows notification system.

if im gonna be cursed with Windows i appreciate unified notifs at least


Feel like I'm careening towards another breakdown from stress and have no idea what to do about that, great

hey bro can i have the combo to your safe? i promise i wont do anything with it thanks bro

facebook password email thing 

hey, what the fuck?!?!?!

@dankwraith the facebook password thing? it reeks of an immense trust violation and is extremely super creepy what the fuck

Mr sandman
Bring me a dream
Let me use whichever bathroom i please

Vent, Gendered bathroom stuff, transphobia, violence 

Honestly i still use men's stalls if I'm forced to choose because though it would suck for a guy to beat me up and it would feel shitty after, it would not stick with me and demoralize me the same way as a woman berating me would


would be very cool if i could find out if im getting summer grants and loans though because if not - uhoh!

two weeks without a peep back is starting to raise the ol' anxieties.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!