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take me down to parallax city where the back moves slow and the front moves quickly

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seriously considering my computer may have some homicidal vendetta against me, personally

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Nobody could possibly own me harder than i constantly own myself

Mental health, food (-) 

Probably shouldn't have stress eaten a bag of chips right before bed, ugggh

somebody finally made a foobar component for the windows 10 overlay, thank goodness

"Itโ€™s not clear whether people can tighten the shoes manually or if the Android update locks the shoes out completely." bricks your "smart shoes" and now you can't lace them up, because someone thought shoes that need an app to tighten them was...good?

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very cool of windows to pump my headphone volume up to 80% overnight, in an attempt to murder me with sound

My controversial Gamerโ„ข๏ธ opinion is that 7/10 is the best score

reasons to marry luigi if given the chance:

1) tradesman in an industry with consistent work
2) owns real estate
3) knows how to vacuum

perceived or real skill in programming does not suddenly give anyone the right to forego basic empathy.

the caustic, casually denigrating culture that infests computer science has got to go. rampant toxicity, in the long run, leads to stagnation in software development, because everyone that isn't steeped in that culture gets pushed out.

@dankwraith i've heard a lot of folks say this, which i find interesting cause i've had the exact opposite experience: dark souls was crushingly hard for me to the point of unfun, and ds2 i could actually get into.

sorry to hear you didn't have the same luck

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!