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hey bro can i have the combo to your safe? i promise i wont do anything with it thanks bro

facebook password email thing 

hey, what the fuck?!?!?!

Mr sandman
Bring me a dream
Let me use whichever bathroom i please

Vent, Gendered bathroom stuff, transphobia, violence 

Honestly i still use men's stalls if I'm forced to choose because though it would suck for a guy to beat me up and it would feel shitty after, it would not stick with me and demoralize me the same way as a woman berating me would


would be very cool if i could find out if im getting summer grants and loans though because if not - uhoh!

two weeks without a peep back is starting to raise the ol' anxieties.


bought weed for the first time, they have a gd website for it up here.

so is there actually any custom merch store that isn't 'bad'? cuz i swear there's at least 1 person i know who has beef with every single one because of stolen content and i feel like that's just an inevitable result

in hindsight google dropping the "dont be evil" motto should have been more of a red flag

i've gotten really good at drawing ฮป and i'm not even a math major so idk what im gonna do with this power

๐ŸŽถ Now Playing 

[i]Sweet Pain[/i] by Blues Traveler, from their album [i]Travelers and Thieves[/i].

Despite committing the sin of a fade-away song ending, dig this a whole lot. I like the continuously changing lyrics, prodding and pleading with the concept of 'bittersweet'.

if you try to tell me how to optimally play a video game i will min my build just to spite you

Bringing one of my player's fiance into my d&d game which is great because they'll finally have a healer, meaning i don't have to care so much about absolutely destroying them

Trans visibility, probably negative but I'm trying to keep good spirits 

Every day is trans day of visibility when you don't pass lmao

Exteme sincerity, discussion of consent 

Sometimes i feel a lot of anxiety that people are going to make me do things i don't want to, and I feel intensely thankful as I'm slowly starting to realize that's not the case, that the people who care about me care about what i want, and i can open up and say when something makes me uncomfortable.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!