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I wanna make a fediverse fan zine except in the style in the style of those late 90's to mid 2000's "guides" for popular anime.


gender meta 

@ben "men, women, and enbies" is like astronomers saying "hydrogen, helium, and metals"

"Neckbeard" is a fatphobic, ableist and classist insult. Why do we still think it's okay to use it, even against misogynists?

I'm testing the new beta version of Chaotica, so I'm gonna be posting a bunch of little #fractal squares here. They're all #CC0, feel free to use them as you wish :) #MastoArt

I just remembered there was a webcomic I read once a long time ago about a trans guy who had, like, a magical ring he used to transform?

Does anyone know what this is from?

healthy community building 

I'd really like to learn more about community building, or, more specifically, how to build communities that don't drive people away at the first sign of "impurity", but that don't drive people away because oppressive actions/expressions go unchallenged either

I hope enboric people are accepted within their communities.

Big corp, you should probably fuck off
I said big corp, when we download your stuff (but)
You've got billions, and of course you want more
And organic growth is a bore

(and) (and) (and) (and) (and)

It's fun to issue a DMCA
It's fun to issue a DMCA
Even though it's good when
Your media spawns memes
And you go after your own streams

I just realized my discomfort with Jackbox games which involve more personal questions is likely because those games are probably supposed to be played between close friends.

Not close friends as in we meet up some times a year because that's all we are able to do but we like and trust each other, but close friends as in people who know a lot about each other, regularly talk to and feel comfortable not being nice to all the time because we can mess with each other without it being serious.

4chan lingo 

"Normie" is a really loaded word. I wish there were ways to talk about people outside certain communities, though? Especially, like, outside of specific community subsets one can be

Literally every single Pokemon game EXCEPT for Pokemon Emerald: "Wow, Altaria is so beautiful, it sings so gracefully, it's wings are soft cottony clouds, everyone is euphoric hearing it's songs"

Quite frankly, I think it's weird how a lot of people think mainstream media reflects how basically everyone's lives are like.

I like living in a world where neurodivergent, alterhuman, polyamorous, nonbinary, varioriented people (among many others) exist. I like how people's interests can include programming, fanfics, solarpunk, ASCII art, furries, cryptids and other things.

And I like living in a world where those people don't need to be isolated because they are tokens/"one in a million".

I haven't read Earthsong and Ava's Demon in years, and there is a comic I can't even remember the name I haven't read in months. I have probably read more stuff during my teenage years I forgot about.

I'm following Gunnerkrigg Court and Sleepless Domain, though.

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I have read many ongoing webcomics, but I forget to revisit most of them >_>

I want to see a captcha where people have to type the text they see in images, but it's text like "Immigrants are human beings just like me", "The color of my skin does not make me better than other people", "LGBTQ+ people deserve all the rights that I have", etc.

about labels (especially gender/orientation ones) / subtoot-y but applies to a lot of people 

it gets me a bit salty when people are like "well there is no label for me, because X is not well-known enough and Y is too broad so people won't understand my specific experience from it"

bonus points when some of the justifications are "it looks weird" or "it sounds like some other word" or stuff like that

you are /choosing/ not to use the labels that could fit you, that doesn't mean they don't exist

privilege/oppression dynamics 

I'm not sure if this is problematic in some way, but I like terminology such as MP (maximally privileged) to describe more systemic issues, or examples and such, without inferring people being otherwise privileged is the default.

So you can say, for instance, that certain things mostly benefit MP women or MP trans people or MP people in general, without saying/implying being cis or het or ablebodied or a man or white or rich or neurotypical trumps the rest.

respectability politics 

Existing identities can inspire more specific/obscure/"niche" identities without them being a mockery of the original identities or "wannabe"/"fake" identities.

Understand communities before bashing them. Evaluate what harm they can possibly do and how. Don't blame literal minorities (not necessarily as groups that are more marginalized, I'm talking about smaller groups) for the harm society does to large(r) groups of people.

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respectability politics, cissexism, exorsexism, anti-kin sentiments 

This talk that has been going on reminded me of a Tumblr post that was basically like this:

(Binary) trans identities are a mockery of GNC/LG cis people
Nonbinary identities are a mockery of trans people
[] identities are a mockery of nonbinary people
Otherkin identities are a mockery of xenogender people
Fictionkin is mockery of otherkin
Divinekin is mockery of fictionkin

it's an eternal cycle

in which Tham talks about respectability politics 

So I've been seeing a bunch of posts about trans communit(ies?) shitting on otherkin lately, and I'm just going to go ahead and say this: if you take part in that sort of thing? You're not helping anyone but the people who try to keep you down.

Bigotry is, at its heart, an abusive dynamic applied to an entire section of society, as opposed to individuals like the interpersonal abuse many of us are intimately acquainted with. Abusers do not care how much you try to make them happy, they will only move the goalposts further and further until you've completely bent to their will. Their goal isn't to solve a legitimate problem they have with you, it's to make you suffer.

This dynamic doesn't change when the abuse is less directly personalized.

You don't have anything to gain from trying to appease abusive behavior by throwing other vulnerable groups under the bus in an effort to make yourself fit in. Not only will it likely not help you in the slightest, the only possible victory you can have is to join your oppressors in abusing others. That's not something worth fighting, nor is it justice by any stretch of the imagination.

Next time someone tells you a group of people within your community makes you "look bad" and there's no harm they're doing to anyone else, go after the people telling you that instead.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!