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take a moment to just paws and breathe, fur a while at least

i finally gave in and made a tumblr account, and of course it ended up being a lewd account

*Sees queer girls in a happy and earnest relationship*

*Slams table*

This is why I LIVE!

This is why I FIGHT!

they probably don't want to play with me anyway so why even bother

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forcing myself to play a game i don't think i enjoy very much just because i don't want to be left out lmao

you might think this toot is a joke but it's not. i genuinely feel like shit

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me: i don't wanna play [game]
me: *sees my friends playing [game] together*
me: why was i not invited why does everyone fucking hate me

i can't seem to follow people anymore? the last 2 people i've tried to follow, i just get "500 internal server error" and nothing happens :s

anyway, i bought this game earlier tonight and it's good as hell

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!