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Stop doing phones

Humans were not meant to be reachable 24/7

Years of calling yet no real-world use found for transmitting voices over distances

Wanted to reach someone anyway for a laugh? We already had that: It was called letters

"Yes, please call me at 3 am. Please spend hours with a strange device attached to your ear"β€”Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged

They have played us for absolute fools

a guide to greetings:

"hi guys": excludes non-guys
"ladies and gentlemen": excludes non-binary people, and men who aren't gentle
"hey folks": a bit too predictable
"hello fortnite gamers": surprising and equally offensive to everyone, the ideal choice

@pup_hime I've heard the game is fine gameplay-wise but samey location-wise and awful character-wise

Atari 2600 Myst Demake -- finished

I'm declaring this complete. You can get all 4 endings, solve two puzzles, walk around Myst island, and complete the speedrun route. All on a 16k cartridge

Here's a longplay recorded on real hardware

Just played through Must (2021) and now I kinda wanna play the whole series. I've only ever tried the original game and realMyst Masterpiece Edition

there's 2 wolves inside of you, one wants to write the most performant code and the other doesn't want to do pre-optimisations

Anyone here happens to know how to get The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time running on modern hardware from CD?

@jalcine going to the link posted there gives me a blank page, so that's odd

Debating just getting an enclosure for the hard drive and scrap or donate the rest of the computer

I've been at it and I'm not quite sure what I'm doing but it's a learning experience

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tomorrow (friday, 4th)! we have bumped up our goal to another 100gbp and we will vanquish bowser in super mario world for once and for all!

Been spending all day trying to get an old computer from the late 90s running. I cleaned it up as best as I could, recovered as many components as I could and... It turns on! But it doesn't boot into windows nor produce any kind of video or audio output.

So now I'm thinking of what to do.

If any of you get sent a link to a TankosMania game, DON'T DOWNLOAD IT

I might've been hacked so be wary of anything I might send you here or anywhere else you may know me for the time being.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!