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A month ago I found a cute meme on the internet that I thought would look excellent on my office wall. The bottom of the image said β€œNational Park Service” and some quick image searches found it was originally from the nationalparkservice Instagram account, part of a promotional series to encourage park safety. But Instagram resizes things for the web. So, of course, I did what any internet weirdo would do; I filed a DOI FOIA request for the original artwork. Today the DOI found it for me!

Top 5 Pico-8 Games (I've Played So Far) - A good point to start your chunky pixel #videogame adventure! ::: #Pico8 #Top5Games
Β» Β«

@mavica_again I can't think of a reason why someone would want to go back to Skype!

Happy New Year everyone!

A wee #picotron update: I've updated the faq, roadmap & playground with a sound toy:

Press ESC to get into the terminal, then "load /demos/bells.p64" and hit CTRL+R to run it.

new on the #linkcache

Internet Artifacts - An online museum of artifacts from the early internet, including a working browser and Flash emulation.

Museum of Obsolete Media - A unique online museum of physical media formats showcasing developments in audio, video, film and data storage.

Wiby - An indexing search engine harking back to the early days of the Web. Make sure to go in the settings and disable the display of HTTPS sites to find some real gems!

If like me, you were a child of the '90s, you might remember "ReBoot" – a pioneering 3D animated kids series created by Vancouver's own Mainframe Entertainment.

These documentarians have gotten a hold of the original, uncompressed digital masters. The problem is, they're in the D-1 format.

If anyone in the #retrotech community has access to a Bosch BTS D1, or a comparable D1 player/decoder, I urge you to reach out to @ReBootReWind (on Twitter) to help preserve #ReBoot!

redstone is so cool i wish electricity was real

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!