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nsfw, sexual imagery being shared with children 

@solonovamax ?????? Did you paste the wrong link?


Girl 1: I like your name
Girl 2: thanks
Girl 1, grinning with sharp teeth and dubious intent: can I have it?
Girl 2, confused: 😳 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆβ“

this is your reminder to do what makes you happy so long as you arent hurting anyone and put up your middle finger to the haters. cringe is dead and the world is on fire. find happiness where you can and embrace it without apology

I pirate a game. It costs the publisher Β£60.

I delete the copy off my storage and pirate it again. I have now cost the studio Β£120.

I repeat this 1 billion times.

The publisher, under the turmoil of 60 billion pounds being stolen from it, files for administration and goes under, its workforce now without jobs.

It’s wild how fast I lost interest in space travel when it stopped being presented as a collective accomplishment and became a competition between a handful of morally bankrupt white men.

Yellow Taxi Go Vroom looks incredibly, very good.

a collect-a-thon where you're a car, with Monkey Ball aesthetics and vibes? YEP SURE I'M IN. #IndieGame

Getting real tired of people who say, β€œHere’s my go-to lazy meal,” and then start chopping an onion.

Remember to be kind and compassionate to others, you don’t know what they are going through.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!