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@pup_hime only has worked with humans previously / furries get a lower priority / exactly what you mentioned

graphic second meaning (in screenshot) 

do NOT allow steam root access to your body

πŸ’–πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ’–πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Gay couple makes history with the first same-sex wedding in Greece

@lion I wholeheartedly agree. I feel it's harder than a regular human(oid) character creator because of all the different animal characteristics to consider

Seeing articles/posts online saying that international women's day is not something to celebrate but something to commemorate the fight throughout history for gender equity and putting on the table the issues still left to resolve. What do you y'all think?

for women's day you can help a woman (me) who is in a bad situation with immigration out by giving money to my ko-fi:

i already didn't really have enough to last until kitsune tails release and now we have to deal with extra fees and fines that could total over 10,000 euros

A lot of folks replying to this with "you can't copyright gameplay" and of course that is correct, in legal terms. But with IP (as with so much in our society) it doesn't actually matter what the law says, it only matters how much money you have.

A free software author cannot defend themselves against a billion dollar corporation in court unless they are willing to risk ending up homeless on the street.

From: @jasonkoebler

Robotgirls can have a random.choice(TREATS), as a treat

I love semantic HTML. Each input field is so easy to describe in a sensible way. It can even be used by plugins and user-scripts.

β€˜DRAGON BALL’ creator Akira Toriyama has sadly passed away at the age of 68 πŸ˜” Goodbye, Akira Toriyama. Your legacy lives on. #RIP

a haiku:

your one-time password
good for 10 minutes

Shout out to everyone who tips on PWYW and overpays on itch.

Y'all the realest!

@caz i still miss my old win 98 computer and hope I can get it running again someday

nsfw, discussion of sexual imagery being shared with children, AI 

@solonovamax bruh what the fuck

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!