@pup_hime stores selling Christmas decorations be like
@nano sus linux
It's been 14 years since I drew this "Reverse-Trick-Or-Treating" comic.
It was based on a true story I found in a comment on Metafilter and is likely the most-viewed comic I've ever made. https://docpop.org/2009/11/the-greatest-halloween-costume-ever/
Today I'm releasing Cosmic Collapse! My own take on the hugely popular #suikaGame .
I've also added combo chain scoring as well as a way to eliminate annoying planets. :D
25% off during the launch week!
@efi a lot of candy starts out as hot molten sugar
On building the case for #accessibility, this Microsoft Inclusive Design graphic on Why To Care was too good not to share directly:
Wow, thanks everyone. He is chuffed with the response. Walking around like he is the Pablo Picasso of carving.
His only criticism was I zoomed too much on the photo and is making me post another pic. He is right of course.
I finally added some creatures that can move around.
Look at them go!
hey all my cool #furry #furryfandom friends who are heading to any conventions remember that masking is super cool and prevents you from getting con crud! and, like, the plague that still exists
so be cool and wear a mask please