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A lot of drama shows would be over quickly if people simply were polyamorous πŸ€”

Face masks don't do enough to stop you from catching bugs, but they were never designed to.

They're very effective in stopping you from *spreading* bugs. That's what they're designed to do. That's why you need to wear one when you're sick, you think you're sick, or you have to be out and about in an outbreak.

Don't give your microscopic bugs to friends. Wear a mask.

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I'm curious about how the different engines are represented over here. So please boost.

Which engine do you use the most (others in comments)

#gamedev #indiedev #godot #gamemaker #unity #unreal #unrealengine #godotengine #unityengine #gamemakerstudio

mama didn't raise a quitter but she did raise a homosexual and and an idiot

I put a spring on my dongle. It's now a sprΓΆngle.

Damn, that new hbomberguy video gave me a lot to think about...

@twipped maybe it's just me but don't those file names seem a bit suspicious?

Please favor and boost. Let show that love can overcome hate and ignorance.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!