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A major US state just achieved a critical milestone for nearly two weeks: 'It's wild that this isn't getting more news coverage'

"#California has set a benchmark for #RenewableEnergy, with wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal supplying 100% of the state's electricity demand for 25 out of the last 32 days (and counting)."

We live in a society, we laugh in a society, we love in a society" -The Joker from the hit film "the Joker 2"

I've been trying to work this whole morning, but my brain keeps spinning back around to "even SockDreams itself, the central website, calls them programmer socks now"

#GameDev #Programming

Japanese books have achieved newfound acclaim and popularity in recent years. But only a fraction of what gets published in Japan gets translated into English. Here’s what doesn’t get translated – and why.

#japan #unseenjapan #ujwebsite #japanese #translation

in my mind every one of these cows is a muppet. and they sing

@quirk I think the devs mostly expected players to stick to the main path and not try to make shortcuts

Also this was very early 3D so we didn't have the knowledge we have today.

@SuperDicq I believe it's just people thinking mental health is fake or an excuse to not do stuff

Also lacking a diagnosis doesn't mean you *don't* have a condition

Is your child texting about computers?

nsfw - New Software For Windows
dom - Document Object Model
sub - Serial Universal Bus
gfe - GeForce Experience
bfe - Big File Extension
bdsm - Backup Drive Sorta Malfunctioning
cnc - Computer Numerical Control
joi - Joypad Output/Input
cei - Command-line Expression Interpreter
fp - File Pointer
sph - Special Purpose Hardware
fd - Floppy Disk
fs - File System
hw - Hardware
m4a - Multif4ctor Authentication
f4a - Files for Applications
nb4a - New Buffer for Allocating
cf - Critical Function
r34 - 34 GB RAM stick
fb - Free Buffer
rp - Read Pointer

The recent attempted XZ Utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094) may not be an isolated incident as evidenced by a similar credible takeover attempt intercepted by the OpenJS Foundation, home to JavaScript projects used by billions of websites worldwide. The Open Source Security (OpenSSF) and OpenJS Foundations are calling all open source maintainers to be alert for social engineering takeover attempts, to recognize the early threat patterns emerging, and to take steps to protect their open source projects.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!