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renaissance sculptor to the catholic church: i have made the statue horny. pray i do not make it hornier

right-wing politics are obsessed with 'the child' as an index of heteropatriarchal continuity. this is not only detached from actual children β€” whom they're perfectly happy to see denied an education, starved, imprisoned, etc β€” but directly opposed to children's agency, self-actualisation, or welfare

I just watched an episode from an old TV show that reminded me of the bullying so many of us go through for being different. And sadly, often from grown adults who should know better.

#ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic

Maybe Millennials & Gen Z don’t drive because we grew up watching Spongebob. That mf kept failing his driving test

A quick sketch from a while back of my beloved doe, August. <3

This was part of early access stuff on my subscribestar <3

#magpiart #furryart #linux

holy shit!!!!! a paper on autistic burnout!!!!! among other things demonstrating that it's a real phenomenon and not the same as depression or job burnout

How tired are you?

what does a julia need to do to find a job that is completely async and doesn't force a neurotypical sleep schedule


until kitsune tails drills through the glass ceiling on steam and itch!

this gif also shows that if you suck at platformers but want to play kitsune tails we've got you covered with a playstyle where on death you pop right back up on a flying cloud like arcade games of old

info & wishlist via

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #GameDev #PixelArt

Added particle effects, the goal portal, and improved level loading.

#pico8 #gamedev #indiedev

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!