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Have YOU ever wanted a game developer to answer any question you’ve ever had about the medium?

Well, you’re in luck!

As part of our super serious marketing push for our next game, we will be making short form videos answering any question about video games, game development, or our process!

Just reply to this post and ask your question and I will personally make a short form video to yap about that question.

Seriously tho, I hate doing fake marketing, I just wanna yap about game development.

#gamedev #ama

I just realized a good argument against computer ads.

Contrary to regular ads, it is actually using your resources (your power, time on the CPU you bought, etc)

So, shouldn't ad companies paying you money for displaying their ads? Like they pay billboard owners or news paper owners, etc.

So until then, using ad block is just preventing theft.

meta's public policy director for and other platforms is one of the authors of project 2025

#FediPact #meta #threads #project2025

De los millennials podrΓ‘n decir muchas cosas pero no podrΓ‘n decir que no fue gracias a nosotres que pudieron hablar de salud mental y dejaron de planchar πŸ˜” ✌️

@Nicolle_GN ΒΏQuΓ© le dice una oveja a otra?
- Beeeeeeee...
Y la otra responde:
- Beeeee tΓΊ.


I highly recommend that you block the following domain in it's entirety and perhaps it should be completely defederated.

They are trying to claim that simply by 'following' you, gives them explicit consent to process and use your posts as they see fit.

There are 4 awakari accounts that I could find and one domain.

I've blocked the lot... including the entire awakari domain.

I recommend everyone does the same.

Please share as much as you can.


SAG-AFTRA is going on strike again.

[SAG-AFTRA] is calling a work stoppage against the major video game companies after nearly two years of trying to renegotiate its Interactive Media Agreement. The strike goes into effect July 26.

#SAGAFTRA #VideoGames #Strike

My friend made this today after I said this while suffering from coffee induced pains

Oh so France does apologize for offending religions when they want to. Fascinating how that works, huh? It's almost like there's a double-standard somewhere about which religion it's ok to insult in France.

If this were related to Muslims those very same conservative figures would double down and claim to be defenders of free speech.

And this is the Feast of Dionysus, not the Last Supper.

And I'm so tired of Christian conservatives claiming Da Vinci for themselves. He was queer and was even arrested for sodomy when he was 24. They want his art but not the man himself. As always.

As a Catholic myself I promise you very few people disgust me more than these proud hypocrites who couldn't even bother with basic Christian 101 shit like loving thy neighbor.


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So the CEO of online ads giant IAB made a pretty… remarkable speech, saying:

"These extremists (referring to privacy advocates) are political opportunists who’ve made it their mission to cripple the advertising industry and eliminate it from the American economy and culture."

And this, friends, is our mission statement RIGHT THERE.

Right wing Christians upset about the #ParisOlympics2024 when you explain to them Christianity copies a lot of it's iconography and traditions from the Greeks/Romans (and even pagans).

Updated the color palette, added more to the background and foreground, and updated the portal graphics.

#pico8 #gamedev #indiedev

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!