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Because now that Chrome has dethroned Internet Explorer, one dark lord has been replaced by another:

Is Firefox the best Web browser? No, far from it! But it's the *least* bad choice of browser that works with the modern excuses for websites you use.

The other day I was thinking about the efforts to de-genderize the Spanish language (by, for example, adding the -e neutral suffix to words that are separated into masculine -o and feminine -a) and how conservative people protest about the purity of language etc etc etc

And then I thought that the English language already went through this. English had genders at one point, like German and the Romance languages do. And now it doesn't. How did that go. What was that process like.

I love slopes now?! The speed you can get in this game is incredible. And the song for this bit is so choice.

emails are turn-based combat

meetings are real time strategy

First to propose, first to deliver: the AI Act enters into force today.

It sets comprehensive rules to address the risks of AI:

πŸ”΄ Unacceptable risk AI, such as social scoring, is banned
🟠 High-risk AI, like in medical devices, must meet strict requirements
🟑 Limited-risk AI, like chatbots, must inform users they are interacting with AI
🟒 Minimal risk AI, such as spam filters, can operate with no added obligations

Europeans can now safely seize the opportunities of AI:!t4QTc8

β€œStudy Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI”

> When AI is mentioned, it tends to lower emotional trust, which in turn decreases purchase intentions

Like I've been saying, we don't need the term "slop". Consumers have decided that "AI" in its entirety is bullshit. And, honestly, they’re right.

Cloudflare is the only company that has ever given literal nazis my mother's phone number, so my opinion of them is slightly worse than my opinion of hot garbage.

only 24 hours!!!

until kitsune tails dances onto steam and itch and into your heart. wishlist our queer furry mario game or find out more at

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #PixelArt #GameDev

As an archivist, let me say clearly:

Modern copyright law is actively harmful to the preservation and study of our culture.

It harms artists by giving undue power to publishers. It harms artists by limiting remixes. It harms preservation and research efforts.

It's broken. It's bad. It should be massively reformed.

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my review for the new Mario-like called Kitsune Tails is posted to my channel! it's an adorable platformer that's hella worth your time and a great excuse to support a queer indie title. it releases tomorrow!

like, subscribe, and comment. boosts appreciated!

#VideoGames, #PixelArt, #QueerGames

"Keeping VLC free and without ads is a no-brainer. I know people focus a lot on that part but, for me, it’s just the way it should be and it’s not difficult for me to keep it like that... Sure, more money would be fun, but most of the people I know who have more money are annoying." -- Jean-Baptiste Kempf

#OpenSource #NonExtractiveSystems

Be honest! Do you ever cheat at single player video games?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!