Alright, #RPG crowd!
Does anybody want to join an online game? I'll GM!
~UTC 12:00 to 16:00, day is negotiable.
Probably using Roll20 and Discord, but I'm open to suggestions. No minis or grids, just "Theater of the Mind".
I have 2 campaigns in mind: You'll either play scavengers in a post-apocalyptic science-fantasy world, or super-villains trying to Escape From New York (where you were trapped by aliens)!
@joereddington As am I!
Do the times work for you?
@Tobi Yeah - I'm GMT.
@joereddington Cool, cool!
Let's see if we can get 2 or 3 more people, maybe even 4...
@Tobi best way of reaching me is probably
@joereddington Alright, I'll get back to you 😊
@Tobi I'd be interested if that weren't starting an hour before I'm even awake.
@Tobi I am actually currently 'between groups'...