I'm so glad I installed a foobar2000 plugin that shows how many times a song's been played.
Now I can stop listening to the same 10-15 songs and maybe listen to the 1200+ other ones I haven't listened to as much.
The fb2k plugin I grabbed, playback statistics, has a neat little feature where it will only count it as played if I've listened to at least a minute of it.
Great for those moments where I skip/stop a song five seconds in.
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
The fb2k plugin I grabbed, playback statistics, has a neat little feature where it will only count it as played if I've listened to at least a minute of it.
Great for those moments where I skip/stop a song five seconds in.