Playing through Blood through BloodGDX is fun even if it can be unfair sometimes.

And judging how I heard how bad the remaster of that is, I'm glad I can still play Blood on something close to the original engine.


@revenant Apparently it does a lot of things wrong compared to the original game, along with some weird bugs that the original didn't have.

Then again these complaints come from diehard "30 year old boomer" FPS veterans who want something more like Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition or Shadow Warrior Classic Redux.

@TonicBH it's been getting patched pretty continuously since release so

fresh supply also has good stuff like customizable difficulty settings (and other interesting stuff like the ability to toggle enemy behaviors that were unused/broken in the original) that probably go a long way towards making the game more playable

@revenant Mmm, true.

It's like $5 for me on GOG but I'd rather play it on Steam tbh

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