
hella cheap discount game deals 

A friend brought to my attention GOG is selling UT2K4 for a god damn dollar:

One of the rare cases I'll make an immediate impulse purchase.

I'd been meaning to get it, but it seemed to never go lower than $10 on Steam sales.

re: hella cheap discount game deals 

@TonicBH Does this link still work for you?
I've just clicked it, it showed the site for the game in Polish.
When I reloaded it, I got redirected to

re: hella cheap discount game deals 

@TonicBH Oh right, the uncensored English version is VERBOTEN in Germany. Lest we turn into killer robots from playing too much UT2k4...

re: hella cheap discount game deals 

@fireglow oof, didn't think about germany, sorry about that. :blobfrown:

re: hella cheap discount game deals 

@TonicBH no worries, you've got nothing to apologize for :blobfoxboophappy:
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