

I've definitely hit peak "I want to wear more feminine things" but I don't have much to work with besides a dress, two skirts and a shirt

I feel like I need more than that.


@TonicBH same :blobcry:

do you know what you like to wear? do you want different kinds of things or more variety of the same kinds of things?


@magical I was thinking about like, clearly feminine things (skirts, dresses), but then I got suggestions to try things like overalls, jean shorts, leggings and tights.

I guess for me it's like, trying to abandon my routine of t-shirts and sweatpants all the time.


@TonicBH those are some good suggestions! I'd also recommend some cute socks :bunhduwu:

(I think sweatpants can be feminine too with the right attitude but yeah I totally understand wanting to break out of a routine)

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