I've contemplated making an introductions post but it'd all be "I do this but due to crippling depression + no motivation I don't right now"

I feel like I'd just make it worse for myself, you know?

It's been almost three months since I streamed something.

It's been a month since I wrote something substantial.

I get pockets of energy/drive but then it goes away and I do practically nothing for days to weeks at a time until said pocket comes back.

I think I might need to talk with my doctor sooner than January to resolve this depression problem, because god I hate feeling this way.


Anyway, sorry for raining on people's parade tonight. I'm a bit annoyed at myself because I took a "nap" that was longer than expected, throwing plans I had out the window.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!