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ac1dburn boosted

Mastodon is just 2000 social networks in a trenchcoat

ac1dburn boosted
ac1dburn boosted

"Love truth, but pardon error."

- Voltaire (1694-1778)

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"Words are important. They let you know it's real, you're fine, more people like you exist. They let you know you're not alone."

- Evelyn, _Chameleon Moon_ by RoAnna Sylver

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"Like before, it was soft and warm, the kind of touch he could melt into while the world stopped, secure as a thumbprint lock and reassuring as noisy keys."

- "Words," RoAnna Sylver

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I have new quote bookmarks! So I'm going to put the quotes here.

me: futch top?
brain: yessss
me: frilly top?
brain: `Out of gender fluid. Please refill.`
me: got it

ac1dburn boosted

:33 < cat facts are back babey
Did you know that cats are purrfect in evfury way? And that they thibk you are too?

ac1dburn boosted

:33 < cat facts!!!!
cats are both nature's biggest idiots, and the smartest creatures known to exist at once

ac1dburn boosted

If you have medications, are you taking them?

ac1dburn boosted

*sits on the fediverse's welcome mat* pls pet the kitten on your way in? :blobcat:


homestuck was a myth invented to sell more toots

ac1dburn boosted

have ny'all heard about

it's a c library that through clever use of macros gives you dynamically-typed variables, interfaces, exceptions, lots of stuff

it's, kind of terrifying? it defines "var" as a macro for "void*". the compiler is gonna have no idea what your code is doing

ac1dburn boosted
ac1dburn boosted


In order to provide continued access to my tumblr account, I will be providing my followers with access to a ZeroTier network that contains a docker container with an archive of my tumblr posts running `python3 -m http.server`.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!