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ac1dburn boosted
ac1dburn boosted
ac1dburn boosted
ac1dburn boosted

**i have updated this post with the developer’s correct name** Hey just found out about this cool app called Emergency Chat! It’s on App Store and google play, and is made specifically for when you’ve gone into a nonverbal anxiety attack. It was made by Seph “Persephone” De Busser, an autistic computer science student. You just open it, hand someone your phone, it shows this cool message and then you can communicate via the chat. It’s like texting kinda but you’re both on the same phone. Super handy, right? You can even customize the alert message. Download it if you think it’d be helpful 😊

ac1dburn boosted


it took a long time to figure out what she liked best. everyone had preferences after all, so you tended to play with your form until you found one that made them extra comfortable

some preferred a strong being to protect them, it seemed, and some preferred something less threatening

with her, it always seemed she liked whatever form you shapeshifted into next more than the last, even when you repeated forms

it took a month or two to realize she just liked seeing all the parts of you she was allowed to see

discrete math shitpost, asymptotic notation 

f(n) = O(2^n) is O(1) if n=12.

ac1dburn boosted

open for self-care 

Why don't you take a second, look away from the screen, rest your eyes and refocus your mind

What's the next step?
What do you need to make progress?

ac1dburn boosted

"your path is right" affirmation 

There's no "right way" to be plural, or trans, or kin. Sometimes what you do looks very similar to what other people do. Sometimes it's entirely different. Sometimes it changes over time

Emulating what you see to decide what parts work, forging your own path, and adapting as you go are all commendable ways of discovering your interpretation

ac1dburn boosted

people who say the real world is mean and competitive are the enemy. they want to convince you that you must simply accept their hateful creation as your birthright. you don't have to. we can build a kinder world. we are building a kinder world today.

ac1dburn boosted
ac1dburn boosted

Plurality, positive message 

all systems are valid!

- endogenic systems are valid
- traumagenic systems are valid
- blendy systems are valid
- any system configuration, origin or specifications I did not name just now because I'm tired and forget things when tired are still valid

— ​:snowy_owl:

ac1dburn boosted

Talking about pronouns from a linguistics point of view 

A lot of people try to pull some kind of "but that's not actually how it works in the language" shit at people regarding pronoun usage.

First off, they/them has been used in obviative singular contexts for centuries, expanding that to plain singular usage is an absolutely normal and unproblematic evolution, stop trying to say it isn't.

With neopronouns, there's an even *cooler* linguistic shift going on.

Every part of speech is said to either be "Closed", meaning it consists of a set, unchangeable set of words, or "Open", where any word can be added to it given correct context, adfixes.etc

Traditionally for English, and most languages, pronouns are a Closed class.

Neopronouns represent a very interesting shift towards making pronouns an Open class.

It's fucking amazing from a linguistics point of view and anyone trying to tell you it's wrong or invalid needs to shut up!

ac1dburn boosted

swing by the post office on my way back from the grocery store? no problem
manage chronic mental illness with sleep, diet, and exercise? okay Karen, I’ll do that next time I’m literally made out of rocket fuel

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ac1dburn boosted

TF shitpost, violence-ish: 

If anyone tells you you to grow a thicker skin, the best way to do so is by transforming into a dragon and then biting them.

ac1dburn boosted
life gets way more chill when you stop overreacting to people who seem Weird and outside of your model of normality and it gets way more fun when you realize you are also Weird and lose your model of normality
ac1dburn boosted

whomst else proud as fuck to be both trans and otherkin this lovely day hit that "love and support for both trans and otherkin people" button

ac1dburn boosted

re: cyberpunk plural superhero concept, PG for peril and action sequences // 

imagining their origin adventure as like,

they're in a session with a well-intentioned, but kinda oblivious therapist. suddenly a jet engine or s/t falls into the building; they grab his hand and leap out the window just before it explodes. They hit the ground running and don't look back, system protector absolutely focused on getting them to safety as the rest of the plane crashes down around them.

Therapist is like, "holy shit there's so many of you, you're full of stars, how do you function, I don't --" and The Snarky One like, "six isn't that many, really, also why are you choosing just now to notice and not any of the times we changed voice/posture/affect in front of you??"

and then they realize they left the therapist's body behind by the office building…

and! it turns out the therapist used to be a sidekick for a superhero; he retired & found a safer way to help people when she died in the line of duty… but he still knows the access codes to her underground base, stash of tech & spare costumes intact…

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ac1dburn boosted

cyberpunk plural superhero concept // 

superhero who (as a last ditch effort) can rescue people by uploading them into their own personality matrix. (either because the person's body is about to die, or they need an untraceable body switch to escape what's chasing then.)

Most of the rescues are offloaded in short order -- to new bodies, or a digital existence -- but every now and then one decides to stick around, adding their own skills and experiences to the struggle to save humanity.

ac1dburn boosted

your utility to society has absolutely nothing to do with your intrinsic value as a human being

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!