If anyone is curious, here's the video that made me want to learn to appreciate jazz. It's half an hour long and so much more than just a list of albums. There's a lot of history in here, explaining WHY the albums listed are important/interesting.
@witchfynder_finder the most enriching class i took in undergrad was a "music appreciation" course that was actually a course on the history of jazz
i still have the book and everything, and it's one of the only books i ever kept
@amelia That's dope. I took music appreciation in community college, but it was focused on classical music instead, which I feel is probably more the standard. The base goal is probably the same, though: take something lots of people think they hate and show them "Look, homie, there's SO MUCH of this shit, you're bound to find SOMETHING you love."
@witchfynder_finder yeah i was already like, pretty into jazz as a Sound, but didn't really know a lot of the history and ended up discovering a lot of new-to-me stuff
fast-forward to this year and i start buying vinyl, and i ended up kicking off my collection with some coltrane and miles davis
@amelia That's the way to do it. I'd love to have some of Miles Davis on vinyl. Round out my small collection of metal. =P
@witchfynder_finder i own bitches brew on vinyl, and then a few coltrane records, in particular giant steps, which is like "yeah yeah every person who owns a sax tries to play giant steps" but that whole record is real good
@witchfynder_finder if you're ever in my neck of the woods for whatever reason i'll spin it while you're here