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i spent most of the day sleeping but i'm through the worst of the stuff, i think

i have so much to do in the next like... 11 days asdfghjkl;


i think it's a wings kind of night

idk sad? 


i keep disappearing

things have been both good and bad


food, birbsite, that one cartoon 

watching people on twitter losing their shit over the cartoon nugget sauce is great and giving me life

i fixed the toot and the lesson here is don't make math jokes and also do mental math at almost 2am while watching a giant bomb mailbag

nazis, birbsite 

twitter doesn't need to add 220 characters to measure up to mastodon. it needs to subtract all the 14 and 88 characters.


this is undeniably a product of being on a different phone without mobile masto

and also being distracted by my girlfriend a lot

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i wonder if @SuricrasiaOnline has a conversion kit to make my maid outfit a mobile wi-fi hotspot

why join a dating site when you can become the dating site

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i bought today and i have yet to do anything with it but i have high hopes

did anyone else just lose discord connection

concept: a mastodon instance where shitposting is an official sport, and so there are player accounts and referee accounts and occasionally the refs call penalties on players for breaking arbitrary and stupid rules for shitposting

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!