werewolf thoughts, trans thoughts (+)
One of the things about lycanthropy that I find the most evocative and appealing is the idea that a person’s werewolf form looks distinct. Unique. They are not all just big gray, black or brown wolf-human hybrids. Some aspect of their human form ought to be visible, and perhaps other visual signifiers of personality or temperament. I find that variety beautiful and uncanny and essential. Much like trans beauty.
werewolf thoughts, trans thoughts (+)
Five years of HRT have changed my face in profound ways, made it more my own, made it truer. But you can still see the spark of who I was before. The sad eyebrows. The high forehead. The shape of my nose. If the full moon ever does to me what I wish for so ardently, the face I wear then will be even more true, but it will have that same spark.