overwhelmed anxiety dump 

there's so much going on.

i'm volunteering at a race tomorrow. then i have a 3-hour run. both events will likely be in heavy rain.

i just sold my Predator suit today, and i need to package it up in a box that's almost bigger than my car and ship it to the eastern United States. the proceeds will service some debt.

it's my period and there's a full moon coming.

it's TDOV and i don't really want to be seen as trans. i want to be seen as yellow eyes in the dark.


re: overwhelmed anxiety dump 

nothing's wrong. these are the elements of the life I've made for myself, and they're good.

i just want to pause it all and lay down and awaken six months later without this feeling that i'm only two steps away from slipping on a wet rock and falling into the river and getting carried away

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!